LEGO® Wishlist Machine is a fun and playable universe for kids to enjoy while making their very own lego wishlist - you can sign up with you brothers and sisters and win weekly prices
short teaser
concept video
the website is build in flash but shows top10 most valued products and your personal wishlist on tablets and mobile device responsively
submenu is reacting to the mouse in an exciting way...
every universe has a videoplayer build scalable connected to a webservice
homescreen - every button in the mainmenu shows the entire universe on mouse over - hidden within - using a lens effect
fun playable preloader done with a displacementMap filter
all popups are design with a mechanical context - and are able to animate in and out with a dynamic mechanical effect
you can submit up to 4 children under one parental email...
the new wishlist look is styled in a more modern fashion - here you can take a closer look and rate each product - in addition to the quickshop menu and a top10 option - lightning animations are added to the "call to action" to give it a pop
magical swirl animation rendered in 3D

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